Upcoming Events
In addition to our Sunday gatherings, you can find us in the neighborhood and around the city.

Lenten Prayers
Beginning on Ash Wednesday and throughout the season of Lent, Christ City Church will be gathering for morning prayer, every weekday morning at 7am for 20 minutes. All are welcome to join via Zoom. We will gather as a demonstration of the truth that God is the Lord of all our days and our desire to continually live in light of God’s love, mercy, and provision.
While you might not be able to join in prayer every morning, it can be helpful to set a goal or set a Lenten rhythm you wish to keep. For example, commit to a schedule of which days you intend to join in morning prayers (e.g. every Monday, Wednesday, Friday).
Here is the Zoom link for our weekday Lenten prayers: go.christcitydc.org/lentenprayer.

Christ City Men's Event
Guys! Join us at our next Christ City Men’s event on Friday, March 28 @ 7pm. We’ll be attending the Capital City Gogo’s Basketball game at the DC Sports Arena. The Gogo’s are the G-League team for the Washington Wizards and are a fun team to watch! Tickets are $10.

Newcomers Lunch
If you're new to Christ City Church, join us for a Newcomers Lunch at our church office just a few blocks from Miner Elementary after Sunday service. You can meet some of the staff, learn more about our church, and enjoy a free lunch. Email Pastor Andrea if you have questions or to RSVP.

Guest Preacher
Oneya Fennell Okuwobi is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Cincinnati. Her research interrogates how diverse organizations affect racial inequality. She also serves as teaching pastor at 21st Century Church, a church plant in Cincinnati, OH. She is the author of Who Pays for Diversity? Why Programs Fail at Racial Equity and What to Do about It and co-author of Multiethnic Conversations: An Eight-Week Journey toward Unity in Your Church, a personal devotional and small group study on multiethnic life and church. You can find Oneya at @oneyaokuwobi.bsky.social or oneyaokuwobi.com.

Ash Wednesday Service
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and ends on Resurrection Sunday (April 20). It is a season that Christians around the world and throughout history have leaned into as preparation for Easter—a time for reflection, drawing near to God, and forming us into people who rely more fully on God.
Join us this Wednesday, March 5th for a joint Ash Wednesday service with Washington Community Fellowship.
We will gather at 6pm for a soup dinner followed by a service at 7pm.
Visit christcitydc.org/lent for information about this Lenten season with Christ City Church, including morning prayers and details about the Ash Wednesday service.

Kids City Play day
Calling all kids and families in the 2-4 class: Join us for a fun morning of indoor play! Siblings are also welcome!
Tickets are:
Ages 0-2: $16.95
Ages 3-13: $18.95
One adult per family can enter for free, and an additional adult ticket costs $5. (Payment will be at the event location, directly to Jolly Yolly, and tickets will be available on a first come first serve basis.) If you need financial assistance with tickets, please contact Carolyn Fung (carolyn.js.fung@gmail.com).

For CCCers who identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color, we'll have lunch after church on Sunday, February 9th.
For context, this came out of our continuing work in racial equity and inclusion—and the realization that spaces like this are much needed, especially in a multi- church. If you identify as BIPOC and are looking for a way to connect with other CCCers of color, we welcome you to join us. Email Nikki to RSVP.

Serve Day at Little Lights
On Saturday, February 8th, from 10am-1pm, Christ City is partnering with Little Lights, one of the amazing ministries in our community that provides academic and social support young people of S.E. D.C. On the 8th, we will be serving with Little Lights Saturday Drop-In Program at the Potomac Gardens Apartment complex where Little Lights has weekly programming. The Saturday Drop-In program offers students a safe, structured, and fun place to spend their weekends.
We will be leading crafts, games, activities, and as well provide lunch to the students. This is going to be a wonderful way for us to invest into the young people at Potomac Gardens. Volunteers must be 16 or older.

Me, You, and Us: A Seminar on Healthy Relationships
Christ City Church, in partnership with Garden City Center, will host a seminar on healthy relationships on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025, from 9am to noon. If you want to strengthen your marriage or other relationships, join us for this impactful event. Child care will be available.
This seminar will provide practical tools for improving communication, resolving conflict, and navigating differences. It will also explore how couples can better understand their responses to conflict and care for themselves and each other in challenging seasons.
The seminar will be facilitated by Stacey Mayo, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and co-founder of Garden City Center, a counseling practice based in D.C.

Advent III
Mark your calendars for our Advent Service on December 15th at 10:30 am! We will be having community lunch following the service. We are inviting everyone to bring a dish and stay for some great fellowship with
the Christ City Church community. The sign-up sheet to bring a dish is linked below!

Advent Devotional 2024
This Advent season, we’re inviting you to journey with us through Prophesy Hope! by Danté Stewart—a powerful collection of reflections on hope, peace, love, and freedom. With Pastor Justin facilitating the 'group,' we’ll explore how these themes shape our faith and our world.
When: Daily reflections begin on Sunday, December 1. (But you can join in whenever!)
Where: In a WhatsApp group for shared reflections and encouragement.
What to Expect: Each day, we’ll post a scripture, quote, and question from the devotional to spark thought and discussion. You can participate as much or as little as you’d like—whether through comments, messages, reactions, or just reflection on your own.

Rosedale Thanksgiving
Join Us for Friendsgiving at Rosedale Rec!
We’re excited to announce that Ms. Sareka is hosting her annual Friendsgiving celebration at Rosedale Recreation Center on Friday, November 22nd, and she needs our help to make it another memorable event! Last year, Christ City partnered with Ms. Sareka, and it was truly an amazing time of fellowship, service, and community connection.
We’re looking for volunteers to join Ms. Sareka and serve alongside her, helping with food setup, serving, and cleanup. Whether you can give a few hours or the entire evening, your support would be a huge blessing to everyone attending.
Interested in volunteering?
Please sign up or reach out to Nikki for more details. Let’s come together to make this Friendsgiving an unforgettable celebration of gratitude and community.
You can't volunteer time? Please consider making a donation towards the GoFundMe!
Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve!

Newcomers Lunch
If you're new to Christ City Church, join us for a Newcomers Lunch at our church office just a few blocks from Miner Elementary after Sunday service. You can meet some of the staff, learn more about our church, and enjoy a free lunch. Email Pastor Andrea if you have questions or to RSVP.

Webinar: Navigating Election Anxiety
As our country’s election season heats up, it can stir in us a host of emotions, including worry, anxiety and anxiousness. Our friends at Garden City Center, a faith-informed counseling center that Christ City partners with regularly and is led by Christ City member and therapist, Stacey Mayo, is hosting a webinar aimed at helping us know how we can address the anxiety that this season might bring. Stacey and the Garden City team will provide us with tools that help us manage stress and anxiety drawing up approaches from their therapy practice, their Christian faith and spiritual disciplines.

Mens Breakfast
Gentlemen! We invite you to join us for a Men's Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, Oct. 26 at 9:30am. All Christ City guys are invited to share a breakfast together, get to know other CCC men, and pray together.

Miner Elementary's Trunk or Treat
Miner Elementary is hosting a Trunk or Treat event for students and their families. Here’s how you can get involved:
Candy Donations – Help us provide plenty of sweet treats for the kids!
Creative Trunk Decorators – Have a flair for Halloween? Decorate your car trunk and make this event extra fun!
This event will be held on Friday, October 25th from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM in the Miner Elementary parking lot.
You can bring your candy donations to Christ City on Sunday, Oct. 20th. If you would like to volunteer for the event you can sign up to serve on the 25th.

Newcomers Lunch
If you're new to Christ City Church, join us for a Newcomers Lunch at our church office just a few blocks from Miner Elementary after Sunday service. You can meet some of the staff, learn more about our church, and enjoy a free lunch. Email Pastor Andrea if you have questions or to RSVP.

H- Street Festival
The H Street Festival is an annual neighborhood-wide event on H St. NE. The festival includes musical stages, food, arts and business booths throughout the 11-block long stretch of H Street that houses the festival.
Christ City will host a booth at the H Street Festival and you are invited to volunteer at the booth! We’re asking folks to serve in 2 hour time slots, where you can pass out popsicles to festival attendees, pray with those asking for prayer, and be a faithful presence at the largest neighborhood block party in the city!

Fall Small Groups
At Christ City Church, small group gatherings are central to the life of our body and our calling to make disciples. In small groups, we build meaningful relationships by praying for each other, supporting one another, and sharing our faith journeys together.
Our fall small group semester begins the week of September 15. This page will be updated with available groups throughout the month of September. Reach out to any group leader to find out more and join.

Sunday Worship
On September 8th at 10:30 a.m. join us for worship as we resume our regular Sunday worship schedule at Miner Elementary!

Afternoon Service @ Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
On Sunday, August 18th, we will be meeting at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church instead of our regular location at Miner Elementary. This service will start 4:30pm.

Backpack Drive
In partnership with the Rosedale community, we’ll collect school supplies for students. More info is coming soon.

Washington Nationals Game
Join us for a Nationals game on Saturday, August 3 at 4:05p. We’d love to have a great Christ City crowd out enjoying the day. Tickets are $20 (and include a $26 concessions credit!).
We hope you plan on joining us and bringing a friend, family, your plus one, or your small group!

Join Us @ Anacostia Park
On Sunday, July 21st, join us for pancakes in the park at 9:30 am before we worship together at 10:30 am! We're excited to gather at Anacostia Park for pancakes (and an outdoor worship service)! We'll be under a tent close to the skate park, playground, and bathrooms.
Driving directions: Navigate to this parking lot. We'll be just east of the Anacostia Skate Park; you'll see our tent!
If you can provide or need a ride, please indicate that with your RSVP and we'll help coordinate!

Field Day @ Hains Point
Join us for a cookout and games at Hains Point from 4pm - 7pm on June 29th!
Location: Hains Point
If you need a ride or can provide a ride, please use the additional sign-up options after RSVPing.

Afternoon Service @ Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
On Sunday, June 23rd, we will be meeting at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church instead of our regular location at Miner Elementary. This service will be from 4:30pm to 5:40pm.
Address: 1636 East Capitol St NE, Washington, DC 20003
Parking will be available across the street in the lot at East Capitol and 17th. There will be a Christ City Church banner on the fence at the lot.

Christ City Seminars
This spring, between small group sessions, we'll be hosting Christ City Seminars, which provide a variety of new opportunities to grow and learn. In May, we'll offer two seminars:
Woven Book Club: Join other parents and caregivers on Zoom to study Meredith Miller’s book Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn't Have to Heal From.
Principles & Practices of Peacemaking: Learn from the Telos Group, an organization focused on peacemaking and reconciliation in Israel/Palestine and the American South.
For more info and to sign up, visit go.christcitydc.org/seminars.

Newcomers Lunch
If you're new to Christ City Church, join us for a Newcomers Lunch at our church office just a few blocks from Miner Elementary after Sunday service. You can meet some of the staff, learn more about our church, and enjoy a free lunch. Email Pastor Andrea if you have questions or to RSVP.
Racial History & Activism in Arlington
One of the tenets of Christ City Church is that place matters. We want to be alert to the ways that the history of a place shapes the contemporary landscape socially as well as spiritually. To that end, Christ City is joining with Coracle - an organization committed to spiritual formation and justice - to spend the day understanding the history of racial justice and activism in Arlington.
The pilgrimage will be a combo bus and walking tour of historic Arlington. The sites we’ll visit include: the original DC boundary stone, Arlington House, site of sit-ins and other desegregation activism. The tour will focus on the history of displacement of residents of color during DC development and recent historical activism.
The event is free as Christ City has underwritten a portion of this event for CCCers to attend, but you are invited to make a donation to Coracle when you register at go.ChristCityDC.org/Arlington.

Oriented to Love Fishbowl Dialogue
Christ City has partnered with Washington Community Fellowship, Christians for Social Action and Oriented to Love to host a Fishbowl Dialogue on Sexual, Gender, and Theological Diversity and the Body of Christ.
Oriented to Love (OTL) is program of Christians for Social Action, and has been one of the thoughtful Christian spaces that helped influence Christ City’s approach to queer inclusion, theological diversity, and congregational unity.
OTL hosts Fishbowl discussions throughout the U.S. with the aim to help Christians listen to each other across differences in sexual orientation, gender identity and theological conviction. OTL has been instrumental in helping followers of Jesus come together, not in spite of our differences but because of them, helping communities forge a unity that is deeper than agreement.
The upcoming Fishbowl Discussion will include panelists from across a theological spectrum, as well as gender and sexual identity expressions. The event is free, but RSVP is required. To find out more and to RSVP go to: go.ChristCityDC.org/Fishbowl

CACUP Unification Service
Christ City is a partner in the Clergy And Community United for Peace (CACUP), a coalition that unites and coordinates efforts among faith and community-based organizations dedicated to ending community and police violence in DC and PG County.
Join the CACUP for a unification service on Saturday, April 20 at 6p at Church of the Incarnation (880 Eastern Ave NE) to kick off this important work with prayer, praise, and purpose. RSVP for the service here.

CCC Serve Day
Join Christ City for an all-church service day around the city. More info coming soon!