Easter at Christ City

We hope you’ll join us this coming Easter weekend!

Join us for a Good Friday service, as we remember Jesus’ death, and then as we celebrate the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Bring a friend to either or both services as we mark the weekend that changed everything!

Good Friday

We will have a collaborative Good Friday service with The Table Church on Friday, April 18 at 7pm at First Congregational Church (945 G St NW).

Limited childcare will be available.

Please join us in-person as this service will not be streamed.

Easter Sunday

Join us at Miner Elementary for an in-person Easter service with worship led by our choir at 9am or 11am, or join us online on our YouTube channel.

Kids City is available for ages 0-12 at the 9a service.

Kids City Care is available for ages 0-8 at the 11a service.

Free parking on site | Nearby transit: X2 & B2 buses, DC Streetcar, Capital Bikeshare


We’ll return to our normal Sunday gathering time of 10:30a on April 27!