Acts of the Spirit: Acts 10:23-48

This week in our series, Acts of the Spirit, Rev. Dr. Leroy Barber preaches on ⁠Acts 10:23-48⁠ and the work of radical hospitality and inclusion the Spirit is calling us to.

Rev. Dr. Leroy Barber has dedicated 30 years to living and working towards what Dr. King called “the beloved community," ministering in multiple communities and capacities. Leroy is currently the Executive Director of Neighborhood Economics, as well as the Co-Founder of the Voices Project and adjunct professor at Multnomah University. Rev. Barber has served on the boards of The Simple Way, Missio Alliance, The Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN), and the Former Board Chair of the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA). 


Acts of the Spirit: Acts 11:1-18


Acts of the Spirit: Acts 10:1-23